To our players we promise to be honest and respectful with you, focused on the development of you as a student athlete, your athlete human synergy while playing prep hockey at Crystal Beach Academy. We promise to give you everything we have in our planning, preparation, execution and analysis of our individual and team tactics and your skill development both on and off the ice.
To our parents, we promise to treat your son or daughter student athlete as one of our own and will always take their best interest at heart while holding them accountable and developing them both on and off the ice. We promise to communicate with you where we feel it is needed and develop them to communicate.
To Crystal Beach and Greater Fort Erie community, we promise to represent you with pride, professionalism, and honesty. We will keep you informed of any issues and work together as a team developing our young adults always taking first the standards, protocols and procedures you have instituted for the best interest of our student athletes at GFESS and citizens of your community.
Our coaches promise to respect each other and their ideas, communicating openly and honestly with each other, sharing all team strategies, planning, preparation and analysis with the execution shared mutually
I will be Honest and Ethical
I will act with Integrity
I will never get Outworked
I will conduct "Pro Plays" on and off the ice
No School = No Ice
I will Respect my Teammates and Opponents
I will Respect the Officials
I will not take Selfish penalties
I will NEVER embarrass the CBA Family
I will NEVER LEAVE a brother or sister behind
What WE Develop and What Moves YOU on!
Take 20 seconds and a sip of water before engaging a teammate after a shift
Coaches take 20 seconds before teaching a player after a shift
Breathe deeply and with focus after whistle
Line up quick at faceoffs to communicate
Believe in yourself and your team
Carpe Diem (Seize the Day)
NAPHL - North American Prep Hockey League
Marquee Games
Games against top Prep Schools in CAN/USA
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